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Wednesday, February 16, 2022


 For the most part we've gone without much interference from raccoons for the last 10 months, ever since we did a major "tighten-up" on food sources laying around "out here". 

Now, since unknown contractors have been clearing more and more land around our farm to build more $480,000 homes and $2,000/month apartments, raccoons roaming for a home have joined with the rats in overrunning our property at night. 

We hate to move the little guys since they're already having problems with finding a secure place to live but when they are digging into our chicken aviarys, upsetting rat traps and generally causing havoc it ends here, right now, with the help of Tractor Supply Company (that is where we bought our wild animal trap).

Without further introduction here is RACCOON #5, AKA, "CRAWLSPACE". We caught him inside a chicken aviary last night and he's a repeat offender who got away the night before. Not this time, he is now vacationing in the wilds of South-West Brevard County, good bye Crawlspace, be safe!


That's a damn good looking racon