As the hurricane revved up peafowl used our carport as a haven to escape the punishing torrential rain.
Peafowl hiding in the carport |
Peafowl hiding in the carport |
Even as the storm was advancing and building in intensity many animals did not even notice anything different. A massive soft-shell water turtle climbed out of the pond to eat bugs on the shore. These incredible creatures can breathe air directly when above water and they can also breathe under water.
Soft shell water turtle trying to eat bugs during hurricane |
After the hurricane our wild peafowl friends crept out of their hiding places and came to where they can always count on a yummy treat, P2. Suzy and Nooty were accompanied by another of our regular visitors, a large mature peacock we named Huge.
Huge stood-by grooming while Suzy and Nooty (brother and sister, just over one year old) nested and napped on the patio. These birds usually roost high up in the pine trees at night but with all of the high winds caused by Hurricane Irma we're not sure where they rode the storm out.
Huge was on top of our pole barn grooming when I first ventured outside around 8am Monday morning. There was still a lot of wind blowing but deadly forces had definitely moved out of our area.
Huge watching Suzy and Nooty nap on the debris covered patio |
Huge stood around grooming, enjoying the lack of rain and wind |
Nooty and Suzy had a rough night.... We always feel special when they choose our home as a place to relax and hang out.
People often ask, "who owns these birds?"
Our response, "they own us" :-)