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Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Two days ago Dusty and Shannon first met. It was love at first cluck. Here is there story, told in a most unusual broken up sort of way.

Our little Silkie Rooster, Dusty, has been a lonely boy since he was around 4-months old. Before that he lived with his brothers (YoYo and Punky) but as cute little male chickens grow up, they learn that they must kill each other so inevitably space must be introduced to prevent bloodshed.

Dusty got first shot at the Golden Comet hens and they all turned their backs on him. He was a sad and lonely little fluff ball until one day a Golden Comet (who was heading down the wrong path) was brought back and placed (with Dusty) in the deluxe condo formerly inhabited by Orangie. 

Within hours they were friends and they spent their first evening together very congenially. They both found their way into the upper living quarters without assistance on their second night in this new home (for both of them). 

Shannon appeared to be a smart chicken the first night she immigrated to P2 but she subsequently became challenging and unresponsive to raisins (oh no, not that). Putting Shannon and Dusty together looks like a perfect pairing. 

Shannon is a full grown standard size hen, chicken, 4-5 pounds in weight.

Dusty is a full grown Bantam Silkie Rooster 1-2 pounds in weight, he's very sweet and a perfect gentleman. 

Dusty finally has a reason to live looking after his new soul mate c h i c k e n, and friend, Shannon. 

Before Shannon, Dusty spent his days in loneliness crowing (singing) the blues. Almost immediately upon meeting Shannon in the new condo Dusty quieted down and only crows about 1/8 as much. It's a welcome relief. We're pretty sure Dusty is happy about it too. 

Shannon was previously one of Orangie's girls and she was not feeling his affection so she took every opportunity to escape and free-range in the danger zone where raccoons and alligators roam wild and free. She cost us $30 so we were not about to let our investment wander away only to meet a horrible disgusting and untimely end. Mary processed her through reimmigration and this led to the miraculous romantic hookup and true love between Dusty and Shannon. 

The, as they say, H I S T O R Y in the making ;-)