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Monday, June 25, 2018


Rain storms a few days ago left us with some weird thermal inversions in our big pond that caused the water to have a drop in O2 level, this made it very difficult for our panfish to breathe.

Hundreds of fish were laying at the surface of the water, gasping for air. In desperation we rigged up two oscillating sprinklers and ran them 24/7 to add some air back into the water.


Our very good friends Jason Werle and Steve Dolbow came over first thing Monday morning, Jason brought his cast-net, in short order we captured 250 tilapia, put them in Home Depot buckets and transferred them to our outer pond as their new home. No fish gave up their lives.

In addition our neighbor David came over with some 55 gallon trash cans, we gave him another 200+ fish for his pond. Tilapia love to eat algae and David was in the market for some of these fish because he had an algae bloom starting. The fish we gave him will take care of that algae in short order, they love it as a food source.


Was it enough to pull out almost 500 fish from the big pond? Will this help the O2 level for the remaining fish?

Time will tell.

Thank you to everyone for their help with this move. Because all present love the fish we did not lose a single life in the process of moving them.