Look at all that fluffiness |
Two boys wandering our farm |
A mallard going into breeding colors |
flowers in the Fall |
Pip, Pop and Peep the papayas |
Date palm continues to get more healthy |
Mary reveals a freshly emerged banana flower |
The trunk of the banana plant must be big enough to pass the flower out full size |
the flower bends over due to weight |
Note how the bananas start out red when the flower petal peels back but then they turn green |
A Home Depot banana making bananas, now that's a good deal |
Big Mike, stands sentry duty by entry gate to our property |
Mary's Update Monday, November 20th: One the way home today, coming up the driveway, I glanced over at Home Depot 2 (lovingly called Ho2) and was stunned to see that the very upright flower shown in the above picture emerging very high out of the plant (where I had to reach up and pull a leaf aside to see it) is now hanging over, ready to start making bananas. This is one day of change! You seriously have to look every day or you miss the magical evolution of the flower turning into bananas. Love it!