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Monday, November 27, 2017


On Thanksgiving morning we realized our main pond was too high and not draining. We went to investigate the overflow area and found that the run-off swale had become clogged with tree roots, palm sprouts and dirt.

Mary started the day with a two-hour dig to begin opening it up. I joined her and we spent another eight back-breaking hours digging, sawing, hammering, chopping and clearing the swale so it would drain. Just in the nick of time, we had an inch of rain fall and got to see the fruits of our efforts, it was finally draining. We still need to improve it but we reduced the pond level by a few inches which took pressure off plants at the far end which were drowning in too deep waters.

Peacock boys passing through the drainage area

We love our wild Peacock friends

The Peafowl hunt for lizards, frogs and tasty bugs around the property

Part of the drain canal

Another view of the drain canal

Opening up the drain and letting the water out

Massive tree roots were blocking the drainage of water