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Monday, October 24, 2016


We're 2/3 of the way through October, this past weekend the weather here in Melbourne FL has shown the greatest change since we left the hot days of July and August. 

September gave us a break from the broiling summer temperatures by having some more rain but the temperature and humidity still made it almost unworkable for outside home improvements.

On Oct 22 our thermometer said it got down to 62 at night, the next night only saw the temp get down to 70 but these lower temperatures combined with overall lower humidity have changed everything for working outside. 

Sunday the 23rd, we cut down a stalk of Emerald bamboo and cut out eight-nodes to try and sprout. This time we completely covered each piece of bamboo with potting soil and left a long leafy branch sticking up out of the pot. 

The Dollar store had some nice 2-gallon buckets for $2 so we got six to test out Marys new watering technique, get buckets of water from pond, transport the water buckets on the black Strongway 4-wheel cart, pour on the plants, repeat. So far this is one of our better interim watering techniques, it is very easy to flood potted plants with delicious pond water which has been a proven winner for plant watering in the past. This process of carrying buckets of water seems much less labor intensive than filling water jugs from the artesian well and transporting those in the LM500.