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Sunday, May 7, 2023


These two 7-week-old Leghorn (pronounced; "leg-urn") hens moved to the intake area of P2 today, May 6, 2023. They've spent their lives in a steel mesh cage with zero love but now all that has changed, they're in Chicken Paradise now ;-)



We were questing for Buff Orpington hens but alas, they were all sold out at our local supplier. Then, we saw these tall, animated and beautiful white hens, desperately in need of rescue. Suddenly a lifetime of Loony Tunes washed over us and these two frightened hens became the new objects of our affection. Not roosters, they're not saying "Son, I say Son", they're just happy to not be among a massive flock of "other" hens, waiting for the hammer to fall. 

We're starting to have a lot of chickens here. It is so-wonderful of a feeling to go out and walk among the various families we've created. They are happy, alive and vibrant. When we let them out of their aviaries they often times can't wait to return to the feeling of safety they have in their various home areas.  We have "good chickens".


Right now, Foggy and Leggy are living in a wood brooder outside our kitchen door, this lets us keep a close eye on them and hopefully, begin building a bond with them.

Meal Worms, Dust Baths, clean soft beds to roost in, this place is Heaven for Chickens

We've already got a potential family home in mind for Foggy and Leggy, they are complimentary to the age of a potential rooster we know.  

We're still not sure if "Faith" (raised by Marilyn) is a hen or a rooster so we've got a reservation on "The Orangy Condo" just in case "he" (Faith)  needs to be rehomed away from his surrogate Dad (aka Mr. Patches). We're still hoping for Faith to be a hen, we're in that nail-biting, wait and see phase of chicken rearing. Listening for that first crow, that lets you know, it's a Rooster.

These two new Leghorn hens could be a great match (age wise) with Marilyns' hatchling known as "Faith" if Faith turns out to be a rooster, only time will tell. 

Meanwhile, we'll just keep collecting the eggs. 

Chickens Rule and are Awesome!