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Friday, March 12, 2021

Update On Fruit Trees as of March 12, 2021

We're nearing the end of winter here in central Florida, where it's 77 degrees F right now.....  It's the perfect weather to go for a walk around the five acres and experience the beauty, and to check on all of the delicious fruits and vegetables growing.  My goal has always been to have fruit on trees outside, covered with fruit, ready to taste, and it's been challenging to find the right trees that flourish here.  I've had some successes, and all signs indicate that 2021 is going to be a good growth year for the fruit trees.

So here's the March 2021 food forest update!

Last year's sweet potato cage produced 5-10 lbs of sweet potatoes.  I'm going to move sweet potato production to the nursery area in 24" pots, and focus on Porto Rico bush sweet potatoes that don't vine.  The sweet potato cage worked fine, but it gets unruly through the summer.  Now, in front of the cage, you'll see two rows of papaya trees in various stages of growth.  They should go crazy this summer in the heat and grow large and fruit.

Another view of the papaya trees.

The most vigorous of those papaya trees is a male, of course.  I need him around, but need some females to make the fruit!
Loquat Tree!  I planted this tree in 2018, and it's already producing fruit.  There are about 30 loquats on the tree, and some are going to be ripe soon.  Next year, I expect 100 loquats or more.

Loquats have a huge seed, but the fruit is very delicious.


Mmmm can't wait for these loquats to be ripe.

Fig trees have been underwhelming here.  I keep hoping they'll start performing, but so far no fruit.

The mango trees are flowering profusely in February, and making tiny fruit.  I think they're still a year or two away from making edible fruit.  I can't wait... mangoes are amazing.

Here's the tiny fruit... they might just be "test" fruit, not the kind that mature and can be eaten.

Another healthy strong papaya tree.

This fig is leafing nicely... now make fruit.

The 2nd mango tree is covered in flowers.

I have high hopes for this Brogdon avocado... he should be covered in fruit in a couple of years.

An anole came by to say hello.

More healthy happy papaya trees.

The vegetable garden has some treats.  Radishes...

Mustard greens and collard greens...


Yummy bok choi...  Lots of greens this year.

Katuk grows like a weed here... so delicious after a rain.  Just grab some leaves and eat them, and they taste like peas.

More papaya

More papaya

The mulberry tree is a star performer.  Every March she is covered with tiny white flowers, then in April delicious mulberries.

Mulberry flowers

More pretty mulberry flowers.

I planted onions... they come in tiny, but delicious here.

This Strawberry Guava tree accidentally excelled in this 24" resin pot, and I can't bear to move her, so she'll stay here and eventually I'll cut the pot from around her and add more dirt.  The strawberry guavas are so tasty, and last year she made a lot of fruit.

Mmmm first signs of strawberry guava fruit.

Yes, more papaya

Freesias!  They smell amazing.

This year I bought three pomegranate trees and planted them in 3 places.  I understand they do very well here in Florida, and fruit in just a year or two.  I love pomegranates, so I'm excited!

And now the banana grand prix...   Not a lot of bunches yet (it's winter still!), but they're starting.  Plus we've had a drought since December, so other than the underground drip that each gets, they're running drier than they prefer.

And now, the banana bunches.  Lacatan.

Gran Nain

Gran nain

Ho 3

Ho 2

Ho 1

Another Ho 1 flower emerging.

Queenie, our statement Queen Palm at the entrance to the property.

Another Pomegranate tree

Two Traveler Palms on the southland

The banana circle hasn't done amazing things.... except for the plantain (back right) and Mona Lisa (back left).  The plantain made endless fruit last year, and Mona Lisa has non stop bananas.

Here's the BIGGEST banana flower I've ever had, on Mona Lisa.  It's way up there..  15-20 feet high.  Looks very healthy and filled with bananas.

Here's the other Mona Lisa (we named her Lisa) with her tiny bunch.

Lisa actually has two bunches in work.  Even the tiny bananas are amazingly delicious.

Lacatan on Drew's side has always been wimpy, but now he has a flower!  First time.

The flower is the tiniest flower ever.  I mean, ever.  Still, nice job, Lacatan!

Not edible (poisonous actually!), but the Angel Trumpet is getting ready to explode with flowers, so I thought I'd grab the before shot.

Once flower opened.  Multipy her by 50 and that's what she'll look like tomorrow!