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Saturday, March 13, 2021

Friday, March 12, 2021

Update On Fruit Trees as of March 12, 2021

We're nearing the end of winter here in central Florida, where it's 77 degrees F right now.....  It's the perfect weather to go for a walk around the five acres and experience the beauty, and to check on all of the delicious fruits and vegetables growing.  My goal has always been to have fruit on trees outside, covered with fruit, ready to taste, and it's been challenging to find the right trees that flourish here.  I've had some successes, and all signs indicate that 2021 is going to be a good growth year for the fruit trees.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Mr Pea and the Ladies

 Here's Mr. Pea showing off to the ladies, trying to win their favor.  In March, this is a daily occurrence...   and he looks his best.  The display is perfect, the dance is elegant, the feathers are unbelievably blue and green and hopefully the ladies are impressed.

And the daytime racon, stealing black oil sunflower seed treats behind Mr. Pea's back :D

Mr. Pea (AKA Top Male Peacock) Preening his HUGE, Majestic Feathers - March 11, 2021

 Mark and I were just sitting here in the kitchen pond viewing chamber, and suddenly Mr. Pea spread his amazing feathers and started grooming.  I had to capture the glory of his fluffy feathers since they are in a state of absolute perfection.  They grew in this winter, and since we've had a drought and essentially no rain, they are showing zero signs of damage or wear.  Enjoy!

Mr. Pea (AKA Top Male Peacock) Preening his HUGE, Majestic Feathers - March 11, 2021