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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Otters and Sweet Potatoes

The morning after shows no signs of otter ravaging, so it seems that they visited, had a snack, and left.  Otter visit #1 final assessment:  No Problem.  (Whew!)

I braved the sweet potato cage this morning, thinking it was 90 days since planting some of the earliest sweet potato slips, so there might be sweet potatoes forming.  I used soft gloves to dig into a few of the fabric pots, and I found no sign of sweet potatoes.  So....  either something has gone awry, or it's just going to take a bit longer to see food.  I'm going with the latter, as all of my reading suggests that people plant the sweet potatoes late spring and harvest in time for the fall (October/November) so that they can have sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner.  Even though Gurneys says 90 days for vining sweet potatoes and 100 days for bush varieties, I'm going to smile and be patient.  Besides, it'll be MUCH nicer to harvest in late September/early October when the weather cools a bit and the bugs subside some.  I'm really looking forward to having sweet potatoes to eat from the P2 farm, so I really hope they make some food!