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Friday, June 28, 2019

Sweet Potato Cage 6-28-19

Here it is.... the "2018 tomato cage" repurposed as the new 2019 Sweet Potato Cage.  Much better I think!  Whereas the tomatoes were frail, picky, and prone to rotty, fungally things, the sweet potatoes are exuberant and glad to be here in HOT humid Florida.  The sweet potato cage features the six varieties from Gurneys:

  • Beauregard
  • Bush Porto Rico
  • Georgia Jet
  • O'Henry
  • Covington
  • Vardaman

There's a sad ending to sweet potato south - the deer won, the sweet potatoes were snacked on and decimated, and bunny was exonerated from his false accusation.  I gave up...  it's not worth putting up a wall to keep the deer out when I can have a gorgeous sweet potato cage closer to the house where I can keep an eye on it and deer tend not to lurk.  BUT just to be sure, the sweet potato cage has a netting around it to deter Bambi, Ginger, and Ginormous (our deer family).  It's too magical to see the deer in the night eating from Corn Mountain - why would we want them to go away?  I just hope the netting below keeps Sweet Potato Cage safe from deer snacking.

The glorious sweet potato cage complete with vines climbing the strings secured with plastic clamps.

The vines love climbing the strings with the plastic clamps.

It's nice to see the sweet potatoes happy.

Sweet Potato Cage - More - 6-28-19

I added the pots in front of the grow bags on the ground to provide "extra" sweet potatoes.  There are three large pots on the ground with Oriental sweet potato, and three pots of Jewel Yam.  The Oriental and Jewel were each started from a single organic sweet potato from the health food store.
The grow bags are a great solution.  They're lighterweight than pots even with dirt, and they have handles so they are actually moveable (with help).
They look so happy - and this is after 10 days of drought and temperatures over 100.
Another happy shot of the long vine up the string trellis using clamps.

More Sweet Potatoes

In addition to the sweet potato cage, I've got six half whiskey barrels filled with sweet potatoes:  Oriental sweet potatoes, jewel yam, and purple sweet potatoes.  They're doing great and starting to flower already.

Yes there are six whiskey barrels under the mountain of vines :D

Star Fruit 6-28-19

I have been ready for some delicious starfruit smoothies now that it's summer, but I couldn't remember from last year when the starfruit are ripe and ready.  When you walk past the starfruit tree, there doesn't appear to be any starfruit growing, but rather only a few flowers.  Once you get under the canopy of the tree and look up, THEN you can see the plethora of fruits growing happily.  Wow, I expected to find a few, but I was thrilled to see the same crazy numbers as we had last year.  There are HUNDREDS already.  Mark and I are going to come up with a net of some sort to catch the ones that fall, rather than letting them fall to the ground and get wasted.

Angel Trumpet 6-28-19

I missed the Angel Trumpet flowers for a photo shoot this spring.  I really hoped it would bloom all summer...   But maybe not.  I'll get pictures the next time it blooms.  The plant is very happy now in the ground by the pole barn.

Papaya Trees 6-28-19

 The back papaya trees, Pip and Pop, have a new "Peep" companion.  Original Peep was done, so I planted a new 3rd back papaya tree. I circled them in the picture so you can see new Peep.  Pip's papayas are too high now, so she's purely a "statement papaya" and not a food source.  The prolific papaya tree is in Palm Island, and she produces fruit every month or so.  But Pip and Peep are still amazing, beautiful, and fragrant, and the original star papaya trees.

Pip, Pop, and new Peep.
The papaya canopy by the pole barn.  I planted a few extra papayas in the ground, and they "accidentally" took off and became a beautiful papaya forest.

Canna Flowers 6-28-19

The throat of the canna flower is very much like an orchid, with a mottled yellow and orange pattern.  This year we have orange, coral, red, and yellow canna flowers, and the canna plants are really getting tall in the large pots they're in.  I'd say the tallest are over 8 feet high.

Food Forest Update 6-28-19

 It's about time for an update to the food forest progress.  I'd love to say that it's producing loads of fruit, but it's only been about a year so it's too soon for a huge harvest.  I'm happy to say that I have been eating fruit from the overall P2 garden, but the total 2019 fruit count is about 15 tangerines, 5 figs, 10 bananas, and 2 papayas.  And none of this is from the official "Food Forest", which I really got going only last year in the pictures below.

Part 2 of the food forest is the "main" part, with 2 mango trees, 2 avocado trees, 2 fig trees, 1 dwarf mulberry, a banana tree and lots of sweet potato plants.
Part 1 of the food forest has loquat, guava, barbados cherry, and several figs.
The newly added western wall has papayas, lots of bananas, and a few figs.
The cranberry hibiscus grows strongly in the summer... the leaves are edible and very tangy, not my first salad choice but nice if I'm ever real hungry.

Duck Family #3?

Today we saw four new baby ducks plus mom, joining the current mom plus three that have taken up residence.  It's hard keeping track of our duck families!  Still trying to name them all LOL.

Ringo Pingo playing with feather

Just another fun happy day at P2... Ringo our friendly daytime racon likes to hang out and play with the fun toys laying around.  Today, a freshly pulled peacock feather was too fun to pass up.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Baby Duck Family #2 - And First Day of Summer

The 2nd baby duck family was spotted this morning - mom and five babies.  Brand new!  The first family moved on, but now we have mom and five tiny ducklings.  Pictures to come!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Ringo Pingo

We have a racon pet we've named Ringo Pingo.  He gets special feeding stations of black oil sunflower seed, and occasionally hamburgers :D

We love looking into his beautiful eyes.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Roof leaking during rain 6-12-2019

The lightning and thunder are epic - the last crash was too close for comfort!

Baby ducks morning bath

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Baby Florida Mottled Ducks Born!

It's day 1 for our 2019 baby ducks!  Six tiny Florida Mottled Ducks and mom appeared this morning.  We're hoping that mom is Ducky, one of our babies from last year. 

Monday, June 10, 2019

