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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Visit from Black Bellied Whistling Ducks

We were surprised to see 14 black bellied whistling ducks visiting the pond this morning.  I love their pinkish red beaks and calm attitude.

They're very social and cute, swimming together, not arguing and posturing like the mottled ducks.  They LOVE Mark's corn mountain on the left.  He's going to get a better picture with the Canon to update later, but here's a quick shot of the party above.

Some videos of how cute they are...  every morning they gather and yell "Peep a PEEP!" at each other.  Awwwwww......

Monday, January 28, 2019


Painting replaces music as our team project


Schwim-schwimming and getting along together, P2 has become a Duckstination!

This is the first day this year with this many ducks...  we look forward to lots of ducks playing on the islands.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Tropical Tuesday - Update

I had one of those "aha" moments last week whilst I was perusing the internet...  Some fruits make a delicious chutney, India style.  One of those fruits that is commonly used for chutney because it's so delicious with spices is starfruit (or carambola).

I skimmed about 10 different recipes and came up with my own.  It's AMAZING.  I now put a spoonful of starfruit chutney on my salad and vegetables... so delicious.

With that addition to Tropical Tuesday, I'm going to update my current and future Tropical Tuesday lists.  If you'll recall, Tropical Tuesday is that mythical future Tuesday when I eat only what grows at P2.  I could start now, but it would be a lean day to say the least!  I'll hold out for sweet potatoes this fall before I start...

CURRENT (as of 1/26/19):

  • Okinawa spinach
  • Malabar spinach
  • Tangerines
  • Calmondin
  • Katuk
  • Cranberry hibiscus
  • Starfruit Chutney
  • Bananas
  • Papaya

  • Sweet potato
  • Seminole Pumpkin
  • Fruit trees (avocado, mango, loquat, lychee, guava, strawberry guava, fig)