Zone 1 = South gate pipeline
Zone 2 = Paradise Beach area bananas and Palm Island
Zone 3 = ALL THE BAMBOO on Bamboo Beach
Zone 4 = Food Forest and Polebarn areas.
I've been experimenting with Rainbird impact type sprinklers that I've seen used at commercial nurseries. A single impact sprinkler now waters the entire banana field at the south end of the big pond.
A pair of impact sprinklers are watering the Food Forest area.
A single metal impact sprinkler is watering all the plants by the pole barn.
The sprinklers watering the Bamboo are popup lawn sprinklers that we buy at Home Depot. These have a gear drive mechanism inside and they don't require as much water as the impact sprinklers do. Seven of these are on the Bamboo zone and all run at once delivering very targeted watering to the bamboo.
Melnor yard spinklers and garden hoses are a thing of the past in the bamboo area, I'm sure the lawn guys are going to be happy about this.
To get the water back to the pole barn I tried to keep it out of sight. There are many trees lining the route and this makes it impossible to dig down to bury an irrigation pipe.
To connect the source to the Pole Barn requires a single 50' length of garden hose. This will be replaced in the near future and we'll post pictures when it's complete.