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Monday, January 2, 2017


Mr. Hawk has been hanging around a lot lately, probably eating rats and squirrels (horror rushes over the faces of woodland creatures). He has our Ibis all freaked out, they're afraid of him and they fly away when he makes a swooping pass over the pond. 

We hear the Hawks screechy call sometimes. A Hawks gotta eat!

Anhinga is a very strange bird, this one is female (we can tell because of the colors), we call her Anna. She is an excellent fishing bird who swims completely under water for up to two minutes at a time. Several times I saw her come up with a fairly large fish in her beak, then she began the task of reorienting the fish so she could swallow it whole, nom nom nom.

The Kingfisher has been an elusive bird to photograph. We don't know he's here until he dives at full speed and crashes into the pond with a big 
S P L A S H ! ! !

By then it's too late to get a picture of the King. One day I was looking out the window and there he was sitting on a branch, fortunately I had the 400mm lens already mounted and I got these pictures of him right before he dove into the pond.