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Friday, January 13, 2017


In the dark
Plants are not the only thing we grow here at P2.

Music production on our horizon, happy new year!

Monday, January 2, 2017


This is an area at the far end of our pond, we're in the process of clearing out a bunch of overgrowth there and preparing to plant new tropical looking plants to replace a bunch of average looking non-tropical plants.

I had the 400mm lens mounted up from shooting other faraway images when I noticed a flock of wild peafowl hunting for lizards and playing among the plants. Their blue and green feathers look like live plants roaming around, nothing like them, we are so blessed to have them spending their daytime hours at P2.

Good bye 2016!


This big guy mainly fishes in the pond at night. He stands over 48" tall when his neck is fully extended. At night he intimidates the raccoons, he is so big that they are afraid of him even though he has no way to inflict pain on them.

We call him Baby Huey to keep him separate from the other herons that come to visit, Huey is a very unique bird and he prefers to fish alone (note to other herons, stay away when Huey is here, Hero, be cool!).


Mr. Hawk has been hanging around a lot lately, probably eating rats and squirrels (horror rushes over the faces of woodland creatures). He has our Ibis all freaked out, they're afraid of him and they fly away when he makes a swooping pass over the pond. 

We hear the Hawks screechy call sometimes. A Hawks gotta eat!

Anhinga is a very strange bird, this one is female (we can tell because of the colors), we call her Anna. She is an excellent fishing bird who swims completely under water for up to two minutes at a time. Several times I saw her come up with a fairly large fish in her beak, then she began the task of reorienting the fish so she could swallow it whole, nom nom nom.

The Kingfisher has been an elusive bird to photograph. We don't know he's here until he dives at full speed and crashes into the pond with a big 
S P L A S H ! ! !

By then it's too late to get a picture of the King. One day I was looking out the window and there he was sitting on a branch, fortunately I had the 400mm lens already mounted and I got these pictures of him right before he dove into the pond.


Had to have one last cute raccoon photo to close 2016.

Here is a fat little guy who broke into a bag of Ole Roy (he has a very sensitive palate), he is enjoying himself and is very comfortable. 

Dog? Dog? Dog?


Here are a few photos of bamboo to close out 2016. We recently acquired three large 5-gallon pots of Sea Breeze bamboo and ten 3-gallon pots of Sea Breeze to fill out our inventory of plants. 

Also some photos of Mary in front of our mature Emerald bamboo which was moved here at the beginning of April, 2016. Fall, 2016 brought us over 60 new canes that are well over 25 feet tall. 

With the 400mm Canon telephoto lens on my Canon DSLR camera I could not get Mary and the full height of the bamboo included in the picture, I did this to give a reference of just how tall this bamboo really is.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Six-ish Bamboo Planted New Years Eve

We love our bamboo wall...  and we're planning to extend it south very soon.

More on that later, but I wanted to make a note that "Six-ish", a 7 gallon Seabreeze Bamboo from Beautiful Bamboo, was planted 1/31/2016 between Six and Seven of the 10 Emerald Bamboo clumps.  So we named him "Six-ish".  He really fills in the blank spot with plushness and happy greenness.