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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

New Beginnings, Cackle Hatchery does it again, 18 day-old chicks arrive alive

Last Sunday evening we ordered 15 baby chicks from Cackle hatchery. They took to the air Monday night and the Post Office called this morning to let us know our box of joy had arrived. 

5 female Bantam Barred Rock

5 female Bantam Dominique

5 female Standard size Buff Orpington (Mary has wanted some of these for a while)

Cackle hatchery included a free spare of each of the three breeds so we actually received 18 live baby chicks. One of the babies is extremely weak and does not look like she's going to make it but I never give up hope and the other 17 babies look strong and lively. 

RIP Speckled Sussex "Patience"

 The Lord called our sweet little "Patience" to come home so she left us on June 24, 2024. We'll remember you.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


 Friday June 21, 2024

The Lord called our sweet little chicken, Miata back home to Heaven. We will never forget the little 'Ranger', with all her attitude and happy running around. She was a wonderful mate to our little rooster Punky. He was upset at sundown when she did not come home to roost. 

RIP little one. She was a Good Chicken

Monday, June 10, 2024


 Today we lost another one of our girls, the Lord called her back. Nothing to signal her impending departure, she just left quietly. 

Good bye sweet little bird. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

R I P Natasha , The Shroom

 Our beloved little Shroom head, Natasha went to be with the Lord today. We had zero indicator of her impending departure. She was always chipper, alert and active. Her massive fluffy plumage was a marvel to behold and will be missed. 

We're both saddened but glad for the time we had with her. We'll never forget our little Polish hen with the Russian accent.