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Monday, April 29, 2019

Our Overgrown Hungry Panfish!

The adult panfish (tilapia) have advanced to a new level of "interaction" - note the crowd surfing behavior and BIG mouths.  I think they're evolving and growing arms and legs... uh oh....

Huge Peacock at P2

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Wood Ducks 4-27-2019

Baby wood ducks!  We had a sighting, and then they were gone.  We both really wish they would stay, but it seems they're born here (or next door at Drew's), they swim in the pond, then they leave.

Mark took some great pictures (coming soon).

Add pictures here :D

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Racon Infestation!

Raycon infestation at P2 :D

How We Feed Our Pet Cormorant

Thursday, April 18, 2019

We Visited the Lemurs!

Last Saturday we visited the Brevard Zoo Lemurs, for the Lemur Rendezvous.  We got to sit right next to them on Lemur Island.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Whistling Ducks - Happy Wing Thing

Here's a "tribe" of black bellied whistling ducks hanging out together, doing the cute wing wiggle thing that seems to exude happiness.