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Sunday, June 25, 2017

BANANAS! First Flower and Hands!

Last week, Blue Ice Cream, one of the plantation banana plants put up a flag leaf and kicked out a flower.  What an amazing flower, purple and huge.  And now, we have banana hands formed and increasing in size.

First Emerald Bamboo 2017: June

We now have 20 large field grown Emerald bamboo clumps - 10 last year and 10 this year.  Since the 2nd 10 went in earlier this year, we've been anxiously awaiting when the first new canes would come out.  We hoped for spring, but suspected that they would be out in summer... considering that the first canes appeared last year in August.

Well, today is June 25th, and we have four meaty Emerald canes on G (last year's clumps are 1-10, this years are A-J).  Exciting!

I expect MANY more are on the way, but it's a great data point to remember when the first canes appeared.

Sunday, June 4, 2017


The pictures say it all.


On Friday night of Memorial day weekend Mary finally got her chance to pet a raccoon who we quickly named "Kitty". 

Kitty was very small, about the size of a softball. He was sitting on our window sill outside. It looked like his mom had accidentally left him there. He was acting sick but after we gave him a bowl of water he quickly sprung back to life and wolfed down a few black oil sunflower seeds. After playing with him for four hours we closed the window and in the morning he was gone.

We've since seen a mama with three babies and we think Kitty is one of them. He appears to be doing fine, one of the late batches of racon babies this year.

Lessons learned:  

1. Raccoons are NOT soft, not even the babies
2. When you add water to a dry raccoon, they get bitey