Photos from around P2, Saturday April 29, 2017
We have a two foot ditch that separates our two plots of land. I installed a big 12" piece of PVC in the ditch and put dirt over it. I'm letting everything settle real well before we start driving over it with the mini bikes and lawn mowers. We refer to this as my bridge.
These papaya plants don't look so impressive right now but they will be 10 feet tall by fall
Date Palm |
I love Date Palm. She was totally covered with overgrowth and shitty weed trees that I had ripped out. Date is slowly but surely filling out with new limbs and leaves, she's gonna be huge and beautiful in a few years.
Melons and cucumbers in raised bed |
Four baby Hedo palms sprouted from seed this spring |
These two big pots are filled with the Hedo palms I sprouted a year ago in March, they're really growing fast now.
The swimming pool grow-cage |
The canal behind our property, looking East |
The canal, looking West |
Note the mini bike road that runs along side the canal on our side.
Van in our carport |
The Pole Barn where Lem lives (LM-500 lawn go kart) |
Our $285 Harbor Freight generator |
We got the generator back around beginning of December. I put Stabil gas additive in our gas cans as the manual instructed.
At the end of February I thought "I wonder if it will start?" It started on the very first pull of the rope.
It sat until last weekend when were harvesting bamboo and needed plug-in power to run my Skil Saw. The generator started on the first pull of the rope, incredible.
Here is Phil, he was a tiny Home Depot plant back in January, now he is taking over the world |
Here is Phil's cousin Phillis, she's growing out in the wild without any water |
Sabol Palms |
Date Palm |
Mary's banana circle, the center is rotting stuff that feeds the plants |
This banana plant is going to be Big |
I love the way they add new leaves, a cigar unrolls out of the middle |
Mary gives the plant size reference |
Our outer pond, the drain pipe is usually underwater, that's how dry it's become |
Outer pond water inlet, we leave it on this strong all the time and the pond gets no higher it's so dry here |
Mary posing by our first 10 clumps of field grown bamboo |
See the neighbors house behind the bamboo? What a great wall :-)
Closeup of a clump from first 10 clumps we bought |
A clump of field grown bamboo weighs over 1000 pounds including the dirt ball |
See what a good job bamboo does of hiding our next door neighbors house?
Here is bamboo propagating in buckets between the planted field grown clumps |
Carrots in pots, growing between the bamboo clumps |
More carrots |
Bamboo propagating, note the leaves, that tells us it's alive |
It might look cut off but the green color means it's fine |
This bamboo came with our house, some is over 50' tall |
Mary should give you an idea how big this is |
SNEETCHES, have you ever watched the Dr. Seuss cartoon about the Sneetches? The Ibis look like Sneetches, but their beaks turn down instead of up and they have wings instead of arms. Otherwise the Ibis are like living in a cartoon. There are always 10-15 of them hanging around. I throw them a cup of dog food twice a day so they're always hoping for a hand out.
Note the legs back while they fly, we call them "Flying Rubber Chickens" |
Com'n In Hot |
Here is our Friend, "Huge" We named him that before we were friends. He has an incredible tail this year, it is Huge
Huge nested next to the pool cage while were swimming, he likes hanging out with us |
Huge followed us around while I shot these pictures |
Yep, it's Huge again |
He holds his tail up while he walks, here he was posing for the picture |