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Friday, September 25, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015


This is where it all began, which ultimately led to this:

this was the second round of contenders, and the winner is?

Iguana Atomic Pepper Sauce, be afraid, be VERY afraid
Hot sauce snack down

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Great Blue Heron Visiting P2 Florida Mottled Ducks

Baby Huey, the 4' tall great blue heron, is amazing.  So s t i l l....  he is real though, I promise.  Look at 5:15...  he yawns LOL.

A Short Video of Florida Mottled Ducks

Florida Mottled Ducks Enjoying Nappy Beach

Ibis Feeding at P2

P2 Gets Invaded by a Flock of Ibis

Immature male peacocks displaying

Young Peafowl Visit P2

Finally!  The baby peafowl visited today.  Awwwww!

Herd of Peafowl Invades P2

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The ducks always feel more comfortable eating by the pond when there are peacocks here eating and relaxing.
Another look at Captain Hook basking in the sun

Great looking green colors
Peacock display feathers growing out in late summer

This is Captain Hook today, a week ago he only had one eye-ball feather showing. These are the beginnings of this years set of "display feathers", which he will pull out next June.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Raccoon family in Florida

The title says it all.  Our midnight pets :)

Florida modeled ducks feeding at dusk

Cracked corn plus Florida Mottled ducks = happy party!



Baby raccoon family in the night

I'm not ashamed to admit that I spend a LOT of time watching raccoons in the night :)

Florida Mottled Ducks - Talking?

Ok - check this out.  When you zoom on their beaks, we swear you can see them talking to each other.  Right?  Amazing little fluffy guys.

A horse visits P2

It's a long story LOL...   Did you know miniature horses weigh 500 lbs?  I tried to pull her, but nope, she wouldn't budge.  A cute little mini horse....   HEY, quit eating our raccoon food!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I saw that this Peacock was getting ready to fly up to the roof over the pool so I held the shutter button down and shot 130 frames of his flight to get these action shots.
His comb is a little bit frazzeled looking from all the wind and rain we've had.

awwwww a nice Peacock friend peeking in the window

The Peafowl are here eating dog food

The Mottled Ducks are here eating corn.

Everyone is glad Erika got depressed and broke up, now it is back to enjoying beautiful summer days.