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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

it's 94°F in the pool at P2
it's really nice

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

no one in the world is anything like you Mark... you're amazing.  Happy Birthday <3

A close-up of fuzzy the squirrel hanging by his hind feet on the screen around the swimming pool

Peacocks eating grapes outside the back door... NOM!

wild peacocks eating grapes behind our kitchen

lizards Guard and Curly facing off on opposite sides of the screen

Monday, April 13, 2015

here is another view of our mated pair of Cardinals

A beautiful pair of Cardinals visiting the park

here's Fuzzy the squirrel eating the corn monolith Mary put out for him this morning

Sunday, April 12, 2015

fuzzy squirrels up close and personal

Five Fuzzy Squirrels eating their breakfast before their morning naps

Friday, April 10, 2015

Fuzzy the squirrel does not like bread, that is for our peafowl friends

Just another beautiful day in Paradise with the Fuzzy Squirrel family

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Four little fuzzy squirrels nomming breakfast, note the bread pieces for Peafowl

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fuzzy The squirrel loves hanging upside down on the pool screen,
he can swing free from his hind legs

Peahens are roaming all over today, they love getting a little drink of water from the pond

a second large Peahen came by for some of everybody's favorite black oil sunflower seed

a wild Peahen stops by for a sunflower seed treat

Fuzzy the squirrel tries out some sunflower seeds and some pumpkin seeds

Friday, April 3, 2015

two little fuzzy squirrels noming nuts and seeds, another beautiful day in the park

The new drum room at P2 coming together

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Two little duck heads are all we can see as these two enjoy sitting in the grass by the pond, they know how to enjoy life

Frick and Frack, are a mated pair of Florida Mottled Ducks, here they are enjoying the afterglow :-)

Frick and Frack the Florida Mottled Ducks stop by for a morning swim and snack

Here's little Fuzzy the squirrel enjoying his breakfast of black oil sunflower seeds

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

this little brown anole lizard is enjoying the sun on his new carpet home :-)
it has been chilly the last couple of days so the lizards were hiding (trying to stay warm),
it's warm today and they're back on the job

ducks visiting outter edge of pond